Sunday, January 20, 2008

Dunked in the Jordan / Floating in the Dead Sea

Ah, the pleasures of rising early on the Sea of Tiberius! Another beautiful morning sunrise on the lake.

We began early, 7:45 a.m. so that three of us could re-affirm our baptismal vows in the River Jordan (allegedly at the site of Jesus' baptism). It was frigid cold, which is why no one else was dumb enough to show at such an hour. Surely Jesus knew to go later in the day when the water temp rose. A gown was provided, thank goodness.

Why renew baptismal vows you ask? How often does one get to get dunked in the River Jordan, in the Holy Land? How often does a pastor get asked to reaffirm baptismal vows? It was a moment to affirm following a God of justice, hope and resurrection. I believe justice, hope and resurrection are possible and possible at that for the people of Palestine.

We next went on to Bet
She'an, House of Silence, located on the edge of the Jordan Valley and Plain of Jezreel, near the mountains of Gilead. It is very quiet!! It is here that we saw the ruins of multiple civilizations, running into excavators from the Univ. of Penn. 5th Century BCE is an amazing period of time - quite exciting to see. A massive earthquake destroyed it in January of 649 ACE.

The bath houses, steam rooms, warm rooms and cold rooms were fascinating and I'm thinking that the church could invest in a steam room for the comfort of its worshippers! Bath houses build community! We'd have to invest in some
strigils. The temple near by was massive as evidenced by its huge columns.

Onto Jericho, to see a settlement from 8500
BCE. A British excavator discovered this in 1954. The walls are defined. They've figured out that 20 different communities lived at the site. It was here that Joshua did his work. A spring feeds water to people yet today. Actually the Spring feeds water to all the Jericho valley.

IT was odd to climb this hill and then, see the
McD's sign not too far away! The name Jericho means, " a place of fragrance". Gladly, we didn't smell McD's food!

On to Qumran, an essences place from 150-70 ACE. This group lived in the caves of the hills. There is nothing here except rock and mountain. They separated themselves from the Jews in Jerusalem, thinking the Jews were not following the rules right. In 1947 the
Bedouins found the Dead Sea Scrolls in these caves, left by the Essences. Amazing story of how they lived in these caves and away from everything.

Now these mountains, where Jesus had his
temptation, are vast. Wait until you see the pictures! These are harsh rock mountains, rising up suddenly and raggedly. It makes sense that he was here. I can't explain the experience right now, but just wait. When I find words, I hope to convey the significance.

On the mountain side there are shepherds with their sheep. The sheep follow! They walk on territory less mountainous, toward Jerusalem, where there is a little something to chew. The shepherds ride donkeys, little ones.

Oh, did I mention the Israeli troops following behind us on the border? It was safe. We passed many shelters the Jordanian army used during their war with Israeli's. We pass through much barbed wire to get anywhere. It's amazing that the people live like this and the world gives little out cry.

The troops are everywhere here on this side of the Jordan because the country of Jordan is just on the
other side. Old Tanks, new tanks, rolling tanks, standing tanks. Fortresses, flags and fallen down shelters. It looks like a war zone because it truly is a war zone. God forgive us.

Well, my time is short at this new hotel, so I must conclude too early. Let me just say that we floated in the Dead Sea, composed of 33% salt. It was a
buoyant experience.

Make us buoyant in your love, able to float atop life's refuse and relationships until your love's light changes the refuse into renewable energy and Spirit for living. Wash your Spirit over our lives. Make us new and renewed to speak out for justice, hope and resurrection. In the name of the God of many names. Amen.

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