Friday, January 25, 2008

Your Prayers at the Western Wall/ Angels stirring the Waters

We met early at the Sabeel Center, where our Methodist Young Missionaries work, inside Jerusalem. The Sabeel Center is an interfaith organization working for Peace. It is here that the work of justice, love and mercy are generated and then brought into the world. I'm not going to say anymore about this online, because of the experience leaving the country. Clearly the Israeli security did not like the what I brought home with me from the center. Ask me in person and I will tell.

Our Methodist money is well used here!!! I'm thinking of some young people I know who would make perfect missionaries here. It is a two year stint and life changing!

From the center we went on to the Southern Wall Excavations. It is fascinating to see what is currently being
un-earthed. We also stepped upon the famous "teaching steps". Actual steps from the 1st century!

We next visited the Pool of Bethesda. These pools were deep, deep and more deep. In days of old, priests gave people in need of healing a drink (with drugs in it). When you awoke you were to tell the priest your dream and then, go into the pool to bathe and be spiritually cleansed. The angels are said to stir the waters. (I believe the Angels are stirring waters for healing. In fact, angels are now stirring the waters to bring healing to the people of the Holy land.)

Then on to the Western Wall. I wore my skirt, as a proper woman would do (no one else in the group wore their skirts because it was COLD). The women are separated from the men. Traditionally, women wear black and cover their heads.

I made my way to the Wall and placed your prayers in the only large hole visible! I'm told that these prayers are considered sacred and so they are not destroyed, but kept.

When finished, I backed away from the Wall, not turning my back to it, as a sign of respect. About 1/4 of a football field from the Wall, I finally turned my back.

this Wall is the only part of the former temple of Jesus' day still remaining. This is why the site is considered sacred by the Jews.

Above the Wall are two Muslims temples, including the Dome of the Rock. We are not permitted in the Temple because we are not Muslim.

The Garden Tomb is owned by a British group of Christian Zionist. They have maintained the place of "the skull" for the last one hundred years. It was a fascinating place overlooking a municipal bus station on one side and a busy street on the other. Sirens, yelling, honking going on all around us.

You be the judge on whether this is the actual site of the tomb. Other people insist the tomb is inside a church we visited yesterday (the church was built not too long ago in ancient history.)

Sharing communion inside a crafted cave at the Garden was a pleasant experience. It was completely quiet. We couldn't hear any of the hustle and bustle outside! It was just us, our thoughts, hopes and prayers, as well as the communion elements.

God, let the angels stir the waters.
Let the angels stir the pools of racism,
religiosity-ism, orthodoxism, liberalism, and pools of toleration until we are yours. Let the angels bring healing and if we are unwilling, continue to gently coax us into the healing pools of your love. Amen.

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